20 March 2010


For every change, there is a season.
I have had enough of hoping for society to wake up.
Watching grass roots goodness getting chewed up in the ever-growing machine, year after year, has a way of jading a person.
It's okay. I'm getting more and more comfortable with it as time goes on.
All of those brow-beating lessons that were wrapped around me, as a cast, growing up an american girl have crumbled like the aging plaster that it is.
The destruction has taken far too long, and it is humbling.
It is exhilarating.
I had all these stickers on my car, Latitude Mary, showing my personality, choices...worldview.
Today I spent over an hour taking them all off.
Fuck it, it's just another reason for more doughy, angry, white men to shake their fist at me when they should be driving.
I'm going under. With purpose.
I've had enough of asking, of hoping for a society I was told existed.
The pressure IS building, and change will happen, just not the kind people have been programmed to expect.
The steam is rising, I'm slithering out through the pressure valve before it blows for good, and I get burned.

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